I've really started to enjoy blogging- and I love reading others' blogs! It helps me feel like I know what's going on in the lives of friends and family who are both far away and those who are close. For those of you who don't know, Don has finished his first year of dental school! I am so proud of him. He is now working for a dentist for the summer and doing projects around the house like this big one of cleaning and fixing the kitchen. I'm still in school. I have about four weeks left! We are enjoying the low-stress summer so far. We also love hanging out with our family and friends, nieces and nephews and getting to know our new baby niece Kate. Thanks for letting us steal her sometimes Jill!
We went to a "Murder Mystery Dinner" with some friends from our ward. The theme was Pirates of the Caribbean. I was Breathless Betty, the governor's daughter, and Don was Sealegs Sam, a local merchant sailor and former pirate. Don ended up being the murderer and no one guessed it. He also got the "Drama Queen Award" for being the best actor. He was pretty good! We had a lot of fun.
Christy will be going to Bolivia! She will be leaving September 17th. She gets to go to the Provo MTC and the Peru MTC! We are so excited and proud of her. Christy opened her mission call up at girl's camp. Don and I weren't able to go, so I took a picture of us listening to her open it on speaker phone so she would know we were listening! Congratulations Christy!
As most of you know, Don and I share one car, so he gets to ride the bus to and from school. This day the bus dropped him off in the middle of a storm. He got soaked as he walked home from the bus stop. I felt bad for him as this was one of the many times this has happened.
We got to go up to the lake on Memorial Day to celebrate the boys almost being done with their first year of dental school! We had a lot of fun. Thanks Luke and Sarah Robins!
Ryan also made some great sushimi for us that night! I can't believe I liked it.
Don's birthday was a lot of fun. We went to PF Chang's with the family then had a little party with his friends that night. Robbie and Michelle got to come even though is was their anniversary!
Our new niece was born May 4, 2008! Her name is Kate Henley Norris. Don and I were able to be at the Hospital in the waiting room with other family members while Jill was in labor. We got to meet her when she was less than two hours old! We also got to attend her blessing the following Sunday. She is such a sweetie.