Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Corinne Up-date

So, it's taken me a while to finally post on the blog, but we've been busy with all sorts of things. Corinne is now almost seven weeks old. She is eight and a half pounds and 22 inches long! She is doing well and so are Don and I. Don has another week and a half before school is out and then he gets to study for boards. Corinne and I are loving life and get to spend all day with each other. She is such a blessing in our lives and we don't know what we ever did without her. I just snaped this picture the other day when Don and I noticed that she is in the same position as one of her 4-D pictures when I was about 20 weeks along. She does this a lot. I just think it's amazing and wonder how long she'll do it for.
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The VanDerwerken's said...

I love how she is in the same position! Abby does that too!

Cameron and Cindy said...

We love all the updates,and we LOVE Corinne!!!! Can't wait to see you soon!

Kent and Kate said...

Thank you for the update! You guys made one perfect baby!!! I think I see a mix of the two of you in her. I can not decide who she favors more. I guess I will get a better look in a few days. I love all of the pictures. I feel like I have already missed so much of her life.

Katie & Brady said...

Oh my heck!! I am so glad you guys updated your blog! I had been waiting for so long it seems! She is the freaken cutest thing ever! I can not wait to meet her! Keep the updates coming. I love seeing new pictures!

Marisa said...

I love that picture of Corinne sleeping. So precious!

Melissa said...

They are definitely creatures of habit! Cecilia always had her hands by her face in ultrasounds and she did the same thing until she was 4 months old. Even after that, she still loves playing with her hands! Corinne is such a cute baby. I love this stage, they start getting more interactive and aware of things.

kenzor said...

Good luck on boards, Don! They aren't so bad! Okay, maybe that was a lie, but you will pass, no worries.