Monday, March 01, 2010

Daddy Babysits

Okay so... Don is a very busy man. He goes to school all day, stays late in the lab, does random jobs for a little extra cash, and still manages to come home and be a great husband and father. I just have to tell on him this once...or twice. So the other day Don was watching Corinne. He decided to play some video games with some family members when Corinne came up to him with a dirty face full of chocolate...he proceded to wipe it and lick it off. He soon realized that it wasn't chocolate and not only did he forget to watch his little 11-month-old very curious and active child, but he forgot to wrap-up her poopy diaper he had changed. Unfortunatly this story didn't end there...Corinne ended up with two infected eyes that are now being treated. He feels really bad about and won't let it happen again, except tonight, that is. I found him fast asleep while Corinne watched Barney. At least he was smart enough to put her favorite show on this time! Oh and the other day I found Corinne kissing the Barney DVD cover. Our life is never boring!

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Lauren said...

That is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard. Seriously, Don...I am so sorry.

Kent Kate & Afton said...

I am laughing very hard and trying not to barf!

Kent Kate & Afton said...

Kent says "it serves you right Don!"

Missy said...

Don is a great Dad! I'm just bummed we left before it happened...such a great story and like you said, at least it wasn't dog poop! Blah!!

Amy said...

Gross. I had to read that twice because I didn't believe it. And lucky you, at least Corinne can entertain herself (:

Alicia @ The Creative Vault said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! THis cracks me up at least once a day. I can't stop thinking about it.

Alicia @ The Creative Vault said...

Oh and Don, don't feel bad. I left Maggie alone with John for less than 10 minutes yesterday and she managed to pour water on the back of the TV and fry it, with dad watching the TV the whole time! You are not alone.

Katie & Brady said...

oh poor don.. and poor Corinne. I just laughed so dang hard.. oh my gosh!!