Saturday, April 24, 2010


Okay, so a long time ago I got this candy bra gag gift...well, I was doing some cleaning and thought I should throw it away when Corinne got into it. I put it on her and she loved it!

This is Corinne's new "cheese". She loves to cheese for the camera. I think it's so cute.
So, she soon found out that she could eat it. I felt sorry for her because she had just gotten her tubes in that morning, so I took off her clothes and put her on a towel. It kept her busy for at least five minutes! I saved it for another time I need to occupy her time. I'm such a great mom!
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Here is a video of Corinne eating her candy. I finally got her on video calling me "Nindi". She doesn't like to call me mom...just nindi. But I kinda like it!


Sarah Robins said...

She is so sweet I could just eat her up! I just love that she calls you Nindi. That is so perfect! It kind of sounds like "Mama".

Katie & Brady said...

Oh my gosh that was the cutest thing ever. I think I watched the "nindi" part like 5 times!! Oh!!

Katie & Brady said...

4 more times

Emily said...

Katelyn loves this video. We just watched it 4 times in a row. She says "bye" at the end when she watches it too. I love hearing hearing how she says your name.

Lauren has been trying to get Katelyn to say "Nindi" since they returned from visiting you. :) Aidan was playing a game where we were "driving to the warmest place in the world." I asked him where that was, and he told me "Alabama!" They had a great time.