Sunday, March 01, 2009

Pregnancy Up-date

So I've been asked to show off my belly again... so here she is! I have been feeling pretty good lately, I've just been getting uncomfortable. I can't complain too much though because I have had an awesome pregnancy. I've started my weekly doctor's visits and I'm measuring well and everything seems to be looking good. I have a planned date to be induced which is March 30th, the first day of Don's spring break (if she doesn't come earlier). This is my last week of work and I'm definitely ready to be off. We still have a lot to do in preparation, but we are very anxious for her to come. We really appreciate all that everyone has done for us and your thoughts, prayers and concerns. We are doing very well and are really excited.


Courtney said...

Mindi you look awesome. That is so exciting that she will be here in less than a month. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you guys.

..Kris Naven.. said...

Wow! A lot of new posts, thanks for all the updates! You look so cute preggo! And what a cool baby shower! That diaper cake is one of the best ones I've seen! It's weird to see all the pink stuff...I was showered with blue! :)Corinne is going to be blessed with such wonderful parents! Congrats again!

Sarah Robins said...

you are so cute and tiny!

Amy said...

Mindi you look great! I was just thinking of you the other day so thanks for the update!

Cameron and Cindy said...

Is it hard to be so cute?

Matt and Jade said...

You look so good. I didn't know you were that far along. Congrats.

Ash said...

You should know that my tummy is bigger than yours and I still have 12 weeks to go!How crazy does that seem?! It makes sense I guess that you would have a sweet little girl and I am having a monster boy. LoL. You look so cute!! I cant wait to see what she looks like!

Kent Kate & Afton said...

I know every one has already said this, but it never hurts to hear it again. You look GREAT!!! This it the point all pregnant women look at least a little bad. Or you start to feel sorry for them. You look like a pregnancy model or like those people on T.V. who are supposed to be prego and everyone who has had a baby is thinking "yeah right no one looks like that when they are pregnant!" Well, you have proved us all wrong! Call me when you stop working.

Melissa said...

Mindi you look incredible! The last few weeks are the worst because you are getting a little uncomfortable but are so excited for the baby and a little nervous all at the same time! Good luck getting everything ready! Go on a couple more dates just by yourself - it might be awhile until that comes again! Hope everything goes smoothly from here on out.